Tuesday, April 7, 2009

.:keluang man?:.

peace be upon u

huhu 1st, i wasn't that happy with the photos though my photos not as good as theirs. i dont like to use flash haihhh ni yang rasa macam nak beli external flash! but come to think rationally, nanti la dulu. perhaps after aku jaul balik wide lense aku yang dah tersalah beli beli aritu =( for notthing i spend 1k++ beli lense tu. serious i tertipu and that time, memang tak de langsung pengalaman membeli menda-menda camera ni semua.

sueshe ordered this cake for her man and ask me to put the date on the cake. so i assume its her man's birth date la kot. tak dan nak jumpa awak kan sebab time awak amik, akak keluar

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