peace be upon u
i did received several queries regarding the daisy @ sunflower center that i use and also how did i make veiner on some of my flowers. and here they are. i bought it online. for these 2 items, total are USD 40.33 including postage =D and the veiner, made of silicon =D

kasi selingan sikit erk. entry cakes & cupcakes, nanti i update okeh. my sister yang belajar kat bangalore, just came back home (minah ni setahun 4 kali balik mesia!) yesterday. and as usual, kitaorang akan paksa dia beli kain untuk orang-orang kat rumah ni. and this time we told her "enuff of saree! cotton please!". heheh rambang bijik mata memilih kain. and since i ask her to buy extra sebab ada few kawan-kawan tanyakan, so here they are. tak banyak pun tinggal. and they are all 4 meters long.