Tuesday, November 27, 2007

.:frequent ask questions:.

1. Did Bake Freshly accept bulk oder?
since ada la beberapa orang dok tanya saya, if saya accept in bulk order or not. the answer is YES. saya terima, tapi for order more than 100, kena la bagitau saya awal. kalau design dia simple ok la kan if bitau saya less than 3 days (subject to availability).

2. Can Bake Freshly fit into my budget?
ada jugak yang bertanya pada saya, boleh tak buat cuppies ni within their budget. the answer is also YES but again, ni semua tertakluk kepada cadangan saya. mayba anda ingin jadikan as door gift semasa akikah atau kenduri. so tak boleh la kan dgn harga less than RM2 with casing nak buat carrot walnut kan. there will always way for me to fit in within your budget. cuma yang perlu dibuat, do let me know and i will make the calculation.

3. Did Bake Freshly do the delivery?
for a time being, im so sorry that i couldnt do any delivery other than putajaya.

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