Sunday, January 25, 2009

.:damia is 2 (and ive lost my hp!):.

peace be upon u

damia's mommy told me that they gonna throw a birthday bash for damia and wanted to have barney theme cake with damia's face on it. as usual, i ask my hubby to design the image. scenario at damia's 2nd bash can be view at here. gosh, i love the way dila capture at damia's bash. or shall i say all dila's work are so good!

nak marah pun dah tak termarah dah. to all, i've lost my handphone. for a time being, i can only be contacted through email, once you already send an email to me, kindly drop a line @ my shout box saying you've send an email to me. goshhh! sakit giler hati okeh walau handphone tu dah lama. yang buat rasa sakit hati, the memory stick pro duo 1G okeh. when i try to call my handphone, dah masuk voice mail. nampak sangat orang dah amik sebab my handphone full bar

for a time being, i can be contacted @ 013-32 888 13. my number, 013-32 888 31 will be activate after CNY.

.:blog archive:.