peace be upon u
puteri is my long distance customer =D the 1st time she ordered from me is a surprise set for her boyfriend and now officially is her fiance =D so she ordered a set of pink cuppies for the engagement gift and her elder sister collect it on behalf of her. ahh did i mention puteri stay @ kelantan? and thats the reason i use 'long distance' customer

by the way, yesterday i tag along mom who's going to register a piano lesson for my sister. i bring irdina too. and surprise me, she's so into piano and cant resist from playing endlessly though lagu entah apa-apa. but hey, she seems interest and the way she play macam pro pianist. was thinking of sending her to the piano session BUT 1st, kena ajar dia mengaji la dulu kan. kenal alif ba ta...then baru kenal do re mi =P or perhaps me, myself yang belajar =P hehehe berangan giler. current study pun tak habis ada hati nak belajar benda lain