peace be upon u
haiyarkkk... to be honest, i am d**m extremely tired! but the excitement of making those flowers, really enough to encounter the fatigue feelings =D tomorrow will be last day =( alahai, rasa sedih la pulak. seriously, teacher calvin is really a great teacher! u kewl la calvin =D im looking forward to attend more of his course =D
okay enuff of that. i have 3 more roses waited to settle with =P below are cuppies i make for ema. baik i buat cepat-cepat before dia bersalin. enuf la i buat 2 mommies merasa lambat air tangan i =D to ema, thank you ya. u take extra care of ur self ya
p/s: finally...i can make impatience flowers! yippeee
haiyarkkk... to be honest, i am d**m extremely tired! but the excitement of making those flowers, really enough to encounter the fatigue feelings =D tomorrow will be last day =( alahai, rasa sedih la pulak. seriously, teacher calvin is really a great teacher! u kewl la calvin =D im looking forward to attend more of his course =D
okay enuff of that. i have 3 more roses waited to settle with =P below are cuppies i make for ema. baik i buat cepat-cepat before dia bersalin. enuf la i buat 2 mommies merasa lambat air tangan i =D to ema, thank you ya. u take extra care of ur self ya