Wednesday, July 29, 2009

.:stripes attack:.

peace be upon u

yes i know...ramai yang hantar mail asking & requesting to have deco class with me. bukan tak mo. nak, tapi cuma masa tak berkesempatan & tempat belum ada yang sesuai. bukan my place tak selesa, cuma kalau boleh i tak mo buat kat rumah sendirik =) nanti ada yang tak selesa, either u guys (kena kacau dgn my daughter) @ orang-orang kat rumah ni =)

but this time, i memang tak dapat nak decline sebab kawan i, ila punya la beria minta sangat-sangat buat. sudahnya i mengaku kalah jugak. then i email norain, ask her whether she would like to join or not since its very very abrupt. ye la, after all weekdays kan. alhamdulillah, dapat jugak dedua ni join the class. and mind u, they prepare everthing by themselve but of course la 1st few steps i tunjuk kat derang cemana. both of them fast learner =)

to ila & norain, please make sure u guys apply apa yang dah dipelajari ya. if not, such a waste masa & duit.

p/s: should any of u yang rasa nak belajar, just drop an email to me. i will arrange tim. btw, thanks aida from BHEU sebab ajar akak nak godek blog ni erk =D

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