peace be upon u ....
this is one of the reason why im so busy this week. had 250pcs cuppies to work on yesterday. i take my own sweet time to deco these 250pcs. sebab tu siap lambat =D buat sikit, rehat yang banyak. jessie request to have varieties of design with 4 flavors. they are choc moist, pandan, orange & vanilla. gosh love so much the pandan flavor =D

jesse smsed me a day before the collecting date. she told me that her friends will pick up the cuppies and i didnt even know that they gonna get through a long journey than usual. they are going to ipoh! wallaweh! sib baik le cuppies tu di pack dalam kotak dengan rapi. if not, confirm aku susah hati. thank you jessie =)

jesse smsed me a day before the collecting date. she told me that her friends will pick up the cuppies and i didnt even know that they gonna get through a long journey than usual. they are going to ipoh! wallaweh! sib baik le cuppies tu di pack dalam kotak dengan rapi. if not, confirm aku susah hati. thank you jessie =)