Wednesday, November 5, 2008

.:congratulations, ann & fahmi:.

peace be upon u ......

end of the year always synonym with wedding. and due to that, i guess most of us (cake maker) will be busy than usual. reason why i've been silent for a while because my exam is just round the corner and orders from ann & fahmi. dear ann & fahmi, i really really hope that all 1000pcs cuppies safe along the journey. *masa tulis entry ni rasanya derang masih dalam perjalanan kot =D aceepting 1000pcs cuppies really a big challange for me as i never made as much as this before. the most is only 450pcs. i must admit, when i say yes, i was nervous, excited, axious and many more! to tell the truth, memang hari-hari dok terfikir je. boleh ke buat, larat ke buat. when the day comes, alhamdullilah. semua berjalan lancar macam yang dirangka. and of course, without help from mom, sis & maid i couldnt make these! hank you so much guys. but mind u, pipping those rosettes 1000pcs were solidly by me! nak pitam pun ada. lenguh tangan =D but i enjoy making it =D t and to ann & fahmi, thank you for trusting me. congratulations ya. and owh yes, thanks to hubby as well sebab dok carikan boxes besar =D

owh ya the box were provide by the bride & groom to be but worry not. should any of u wish to use this kind of package, do let me know ya, via email. price may be different base on quantity

p/s: alhamdullilah. just received sms from ann saying that all cuppies were in good condition when they reached JB. lega hati dengar sebab puas dok nasihatkan she & her fiance to drive as slow as they can =D

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