Tuesday, July 29, 2008
.:najmi is 5:.
Posted by .:anna:. at 8:11 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
.: sayang kamu:.

Posted by .:anna:. at 2:49 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
.:the premium cuppies:.
16pcs = RM50
25pcs = RM70
Posted by .:anna:. at 7:25 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
.:the cranberries lemon cupcakes:.

Posted by .:anna:. at 8:02 PM
.:bumble bee busy pt3:.
and all these cuppies were made the same day as the cakes in previous entry! serious tired!premium set for kak sue from serdang. thank you kak!

Posted by .:anna:. at 1:59 PM
.:bumble bee busy pt2:.

stadi la...jgn malas-malas

Posted by .:anna:. at 1:50 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
.:bumble bee busy:.
i don't know where to begin as i have so many to jot down. but let us go one by one. or else, i will get blank! let us have a peep into what i've done for past few days.

Posted by .:anna:. at 9:57 PM
.:1000 apologies:.

starting from next week, im not able to accept any orders for sunday (yg dah place order earlier worry not as i wont cancel it). meaning sunday will be my offday. this is due to tight class schedule =D for availability dates, do check on the 'announcement' column at the left side.
Posted by .:anna:. at 7:44 PM
.:happy birthday yaya:.
Posted by .:anna:. at 5:52 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
.:happy 3rd burfday AJ:.
last sunday was AJ 3rd celebration and alin did ask me to make photo cake for AJ.alin did give me 3 AJ photos and i guess i choose the right photo =D i did try to order this image from other than normal place i used to. and happen to be, the photo image was superb! but yes a bit pricey. but if u ask me, i wouldnt mind to spend a lil bit on this because the quality is up to the level.
to alin, thank you so much for having trust in me in preparing AJs cake. glad to hear all of you enjoy that cake =) AJ dearie, happy 3rd birthday!
Posted by .:anna:. at 1:23 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
.:engagement cuppies:.
forgive me for being late in replying emails but as promise, this morning i have already cleared all my inbox mail =D so guys, please check ur inbox mail ya. some who leave ur hp number, i did smsed too right? and yes, i did received few calls and emails, asking do i still accept orders for this week. i am so sorry that i cant accept any orders. its not that im fully occupied, but this week is buffer week for me as i just started back my class last week. so i will take orders back after 20th July 2008 =D
okay cut those craps! ewam my jr @ semsas or to be sepcific, my doormate =D order cupcakes for her brother's engagement. but suddenly the date have been change and i only have 1 week to complete. being a bit busy last week, im not able to make my own roses. and yes, i feel pretty bad bad or shall i say really really BAD that i have to use ready made flowers. i dont mind to use ready made flowerd IF for big cake as they will look nicer. but for cupcakes? macam kureng la. but somehow, im very blessed with the spontaneous idea. so here we go... to ewa, i love the way u present the cupcakes! nnt email akak ya gambar
Posted by .:anna:. at 6:13 AM
Monday, July 14, 2008
.:thank you so much:.
Posted by .:anna:. at 7:53 AM