peace be upon u & hello
how's eidul adha celebration? banyak makan daging korban? i tengok sana sini at my friends FB masing-masing sibuk with daging korban =) as for me and family, this year biasa-biasa je because we are busy with our current situation. pening kepala nak packing barang-barang ni. now i nak take five from packing thingy and update my blog.
photo courtesy of yanti. thanks erna & happy birthdy damia! |
these 3 cupcakes actually di order oleh same person macam cake smurf village kat bawah ni. the smurfette tu i bagi ad gift to the birthday girl sebab that day masa i nak letak figurine kat cake, tangan dia patah. so i promise to her that i will make one for her. then the mom, laifa, order another 2 =) perasan tak kenapa smurf house kat bawah ni nampak pelik sikit dari smurf mushroom house in previous entry? ceritanya....
i already cover the 2nd cake and then i just realize that i forgot to carve the cake. sebab tu nampak pelik sikit. i feel very disappointed sebab this is not the 1st time i buat mushroom house kan. if 1st time tu, acceptable la this kindda silly mistake. betul-betul rasa frust. thanks laifa!