why did i call like that? because last week most of the ordered base from choc! and the best part is, i do love choc so much! who doesnt rite? mona ordered mini chip choc for her son, adam hakimy 2nd birthday bash. actually she also did ask me to do the big cake but i have to reject since im not 'brave' enough to do birthday cake with theme. so i said to her, that i would give as a token for the bash but i will do in the simple way. no fussy deco. so that day i bake 40 mini chip choc and 1.7kg choc moist cake.
that car doesnt look very nice rite :( need to improve my drawing skill
next chocolaty order from sabrina. shes my ex-colleague at MAMPU (now shes at the MOHE). today is her 3rd anniversary. she ask me to do what ever the theme as long as sweet. erkk, kindda blur what to deco actually. but finally at 3am i finished deco it. hope sabrina & kamil enjoy the cuppies as well as i do enjoy bake & deco it. to sab & kamil, happy 3rd anniversary and may u both ive happily forever. btw sab, omg!!!! u are driving my dream 4wheels car!